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Fence signal transmitter controller for DIY ArduMower and REP_AL mower using LoRa and BTS7960 motor driver

Turn on or off electric fence for 3d printed lawn mower robot using the E32-868T20D LoRa chip. It uses BTS7960 motor driver which is more efficient than L298N. BTS7960 does not generate heat and can provide higher current. Our tests showed you can reach up to 1200 m2 area using this controller.
The controller is designed to be remotely controlled with the LoRa gateway

Controller reports its status every 1h. You can send such commands using webscoket or API call to onlineDB.NET
To turn on fence:

To turn off fence:

1) Hardware necessary:
  • Arduino Nano
  • E32-868T20D LoRa module
  • BTS7960 motor driver
  • Two LM2596S
  • Relay KY-019

2) Please solder wires based on the wire diagram:

3) Upload Arduino code. Code is available here